Such as... What makes someone want to buy a specific car. Do u ever ask yourself did I buy this car bc of love or opprotunity? What a metaphor right!!?? I often wonder why ppl buy things they don't need/want. Why not wait for what u do want to come along. My car, for instance. I wanted my car for YEARS!! I wanted it and took my previous car to trade in but didn't. Anyhoo... I waited. I wanted to get what I want at the time that would be good to get it. Now... God obviously knew the greatest opprotunity would come when I totalled my last car, however He made the best opp for me at that time. I couldn't have what I wanted when I wanted it, but at the moment that everything else would be ready to receive it.
Gotta love the metaphoric content people...
Anyways. I spend SO much time in my car that I knew I had to get what I really wanted. And I did. And now, even w all the bad press Toyota is getting, I'm still so in love w my car. :)
Buy cars u love. That's my random thought of the day.
This was the view from my run last Friday nite. :) I heart living downtown.
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