This is a random quote I found on google today. (which I love, btw...) but omg. How true is it!!??? And how perfect it is for my life right now!!! It's just so nice that God never ceases to amaze me. I love His gentle way of speaking to me and even His gentle way of knocking me in the head and getting me to turn around and reflect and be like wtc was I thinking!! Haha!! He teaches me and makes me see the big picture... It's rather comforting... That I can find this quote in a random place... And know it was there for me, to teach and show me just how much He actually is thinking of me! Awesome, huh!?
Anyhoo... So yeah. Which one to cross, which one to burn. I got a few that I need to just torch and sit back w a beer and watch them go up in smoke. And I got some I know I'm yet to find. I know I also have some that I even at this have no actual clue jus how big and huge and beautiful they really are yet!! It's so cool. And exciting. And profound. :)
I love my analysis. I love my kids. I love my friends. I love my life!!!!!
Peabody rooftop parties are totally the coolest thing ever!!!! I love them!!!! And I LOVE Q107.5 for hookin me up totally w VIP passes!!! Maney, Riley, Alexis and Brodee rule!!!!!!!!
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