Sunday, November 28, 2010

Scrooge or not the Scrooge... That is the question.

It's so weird... I am actually getting into the Christmas spirit. Everything going on should be making me the Scrooge. But I'm actually thinking abt putting up my tree when I get hm Tuesday. I even bought more ornaments!!! Crazy, huh!!??!!

It's not a life that anyone would ask for, but it's the life God is blessing me with, and that is an optimistic outlook, a solid good hearted nature and hope. Hope that He will make the best of this life in His way and in His time. And with all going on, I know this is all for His will. And who am I to question the All-Mighty?

So I will keep on with what He provides and be blessed and try as hard as I can to do what He needs me to do. It's not an easy road He called for me but it is the road He chose for me and I have no doubt it's the best one.

So... Merry Christmas folks. Happy thanksgiving. Happy Hanukkah. Happy new year. Happy QuanzaChristmakah, whatev makes ur heart happy. :) I wish you a great Celebration of life, love and loved ones. And hope. Hope for you and yours.

- Posted using BlogPress from the Aubs iPhone

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