my bestest friend in the world got married last weekend. she had the most beautiful wedding. it was such a sweet time with her and their families. and I think she married a wonderful man. Some people were pretty surprised to see I have been so OK with her marrying him but folks, he already knows that she was my wife first. (I have said for MANY MANY YEARS that I wanted a wife because a good man is so hard to find, and I did in her). but he knows... she'll always be my wife. but I couldn't be happier that he is her husband. :)
all this marriage stuff had me thinking, what is really required? what do people look for in a spouse to see if they're qualified?
the answer I really found was people don't... that's why there's so many damn divorces. people with no character doing whatever the wind blows to them...
but I did have a lot of time to reflect on my own failing. and my inability to stand up for what I know to be right and know to be BIG FAT RED FLAGS... how does someone like me, however, allow someone to crap all over me? it's something I really myself don't understand. all I can tell you is a took a gamble because I believed the words and I LOST. I lost big. but I'm a decent enuf human to admit that I allowed it and I have to accept that.
so what is really required to say if someone worthy enuf?
decent dresser?
good in bed?
knows how to cook?
you know it's different for every person. bet you thought I was going to tell you what you should think, huh? HA! not even a little bit of a chance. but I do think you need to know what is important to you and thus decide accordingly. and DON'T ACCEPT CRAP FOR A SECOND. don't compromise on what is valuable to you or what you deem as a deal breaker. because no one, not even your spouse, will value you more than yourself, no matter how much you want to believe their words.
YOU are the only one who can take care of YOU. point. blank. period.
Q. what is really required? A. whatever you can't live without.
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