Sunday, April 11, 2010

The randomness of random pt 10

Ever wonder what it is about water that makes people love being by it? What is it about the water that draws someone to it? That's irrestible... What's the facination or the pure love of the water? Where does th love and desire and facination come from? It's amazing the think about. It's overwhelming and can be an obsession.

I love the water, having grown up by it almost my whole life, different types and shapes and sizes... But sometimes I just wonder what it is that draws us to it so... I have lived by the ocean, a lake and now a river. Ive never been wout the water in my life, I just often wonder what it is that draws me to it so... Just like the next person.

Our pool.... Love these days!!

- Posted using BlogPress from the Aubs iPhone

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