Monday, May 9, 2011

The Randomness of my new job... :)

Ok... so if you don't like hearing about how God works in mysterious ways, I'm going to warn you now to read no further... because this story is totally about how I knew I was going to get this job....

Around January of this year, I was informed at Accredo that was going to doing layoffs in conjunction with their 'Scaling for growth' effort. It was right when I heard about these new efforts, I knew when the layoffs hit my department, I would be the first one to go. I knew this because 2 months after i took the job, the previous January, my project i was hired for was cut... I was the obvious choice... I started looking for another job almost immediately... I had been looking, but kicked it up significantly.

As time went on, I started telling ppl i worked with that I knew I would be part of the layoff efforts. I didn't think overall it was personal, but I also knew my director wasn't my biggest fan. I suggested we started taking bets as to when the layoffs would be and to the fact that I would be the first to go.

About 2-3 weeks before March, I was contacted by a headhunter about a possible position that was open and was told they wanted to move fast. I was completely OK with it! I worked out to make sure I could go to the job interviews even in close week at my current job and I just had the feeling after I left the interview that I had that job. I also knew that the layoffs were coming quickly at Accredo. I was completely ok and even happy with the fact that I 'somehow' knew that I would be laid off. It was never confirmed to me... but I knew... and I was at TOTAL peace about it.

So after this interview (for a job, mind you, where i would be in REAL IT, and have a lot of work to do, potential to be a director in a year and have an instant increase).... i started getting that feeling ' outta nowhere' that I would be laid off and I would have a job to go to... eventually. I actually told some of my close friends from Accredo that I knew it would be me... i knew....

The week of the layoff.... first week of March... I knew I had that job... God gave me such peace about everything... i KNEW the layoff would happen that week too... again... 'just knew'.

I went into work on Wednesday March 6th.... I knew it was gonna be the day. The day before I had the overwhelming feeling that Wednesday would be the layoff day... I just felt like i had that other job, but I knew I wouldn't know either way about that job before the layoffs. I was still at TOTAL PEACE. and this... seriously... this I can only say is by the Grace of God...

Because what happened: i got laid off wednesday morning.  and i was ALL SMILES... :) I had a 6 week severance package from Accredo. I could not have been happier about that layoff. I was very unhappy with my job there simply because I would not doing what I was hired to do or what my skillset was. I was so ready for a change...

I knew that I was not going to have a job when I was laid off that morning at 10:30am. And I was happy. Went to starbucks, went and had lunch with my bestie... I processed things, got a tentative plan, went home and started to unpack a little... Completely at peace. Friends were over, visiting, playing thru the events... Then i sat down... around 230pm. I thought... how am I going to take care of my kids? It hit me then. How will I pay for my kids... ? wow.... really... ??? I have no job. I started at this point to not be 100% ok. I was thinking... 'OK, God. you told me I wouldn't have a job when I got Laid off but how long will I go? and something had told me, 3pm, that day.... I didn't know what was going to happen, but i knew 3pm.... Over and Over.... and around 3:10pm i got the phone call from the headhunter with the offer from the company! they wanted me to start immediately. HUGE increase. AND i had a vacay scheduled already that i had paid for around Easter that I had approved already too. And of course I accepted. This was what I was told would happen... and it happened exactly as such! I get a 6wk severance and a new job... all in the same day!

When has this ever happened before... that a majority has seen??? And I believe... God prepared me for this. I was prepared for this to happen. In just this way. I am a blessed woman....

The Randomness of Random pt 29

I thought it'd be a good time to write... the last 3 months has been jam packed with the most emotional time of my entire life i believe....

getting rid of dead weight...
Memphis Floods...

I still put this one in the 'random' category because i don't know what i want to get off my chest, more.  i am a hodge-podge of feelings... angry. sad. glad. happy. scared. confused. ambivalent. guarded..... so so so very guarded... and a bit of peace, only because God has given me that... Lord knows it's not because i am choosing it. hahaha!

tonight i'm more sad than anything.... I want things to so normal because i don't want to deal with someone giving me their condolences again and me start crying on cue. but the other part of me welcomes the well wishes of peace and graciousness because i am still so very sad... i feel like a stupid emotional girl who has no idea how she feels. and i guess to an extent that is true. but i always am able to figure out how i feel when i pull back and look at the big picture... but that's so hard to do right now.... so i'm just a stupid emotional girl. and i can barely even stand myself.

my grandma is amazingly wonderful. she tries to keep things normal. and i appreciate it.

I'll talk about more of this later. i still have to talk about how i got the new job!!!! wow... forever since i've written!!!! :S

pic of the new bf for you all tonight. :) silly one from our trip to NOLA with the Fielders Gang. :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Randomness of Random pt 28

You know when you're in a situation and you think... I could do this (xxxxx) whatever 'this' may be... And I could effect the situation in 'this' way and make it so 'this'... Blah blah blah. Sometimes just KNOWING you could do it, whatever it is, is enuf. Sometimes just knowing you could get around that 18wheeler on the highway is enuf to satisfy you and not encourage you to take the big risk... Sometimes knowing you could hurt someone's feeling so bad it would devastate you is enough to keep you from acting a fool and embarrassing yourself to no end.. sometimes knowing you could make a bet and win and subsequently take all the persons money if you wanted to is enuf to actually not do it and really see the impact you can make on someone. Good or bad.

So how often does this stop us? How often do you stop and consider the impact you will have one someone? How often do you stop and consider the consequences of your actions?

Today I was making a right hand turn and was coming up behind 2 big dump trucks. I knew i could floor it and zoom around both of them if I wanted to an draw a lot of attention to myself and prob scare those dump truck drivers. But I didn't do it. I knew I would probably scare them and make them nervous. I chose to be patient and wait. And for me that would be the road less traveled. But how often do YOU choose this road? How often do you take a step back, consider the big picture and evaluate? How often are you considering how you will impact that person you're abt to deal w?

On this Valentines day... Let's consider others... Let's be good to those we see, love, and have in our lives.

Happy day of awareness... Whatever your awareness is. :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Randomness of Random pt 27

I watched the movie "Social Network" last nite, i went ahead and bought it because i was sure i would want to own it. I am so glad i did buy it, it indeed was one of the best films I've seen in a long time. i also saw "Black Swan" a couple weeks ago, that was also really really awesome!!! I'm glad both of them are up for academy awards this year.

In watching Social Network, though, it made me look at Facebook differently... but it also made me think about what i was doing, what was I going to do to make a difference in this world? How was I going to make a morbidly epic mark on life in general? I used to have such huge dreams for my life... being a missionary living in India, working for a church/missions program, moving far far away from Memphis, in General, and it seems like all i have done lately is focus on the present, what is at hand, and not the big picture. I've always been a 'big picture' kinda person, seeing beyond what is right in front of my face, seeing the whole... seeing beyond the now... however, that movie made me realize that I have to get my big focus back, that I need to make points to see beyond.... and so as some of you may have noticed that i have posted on my FB page that 2011, I WILL travel more, i will make points to see my friends and visit with those i love and miss dearly. I am even more inspired now to think bigger, thing better, think EPIC....

what are you going to do today to make a mark on this world? I know i often focus on the Christian perspective, but for general conversational purposes... what are YOU going to do?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Randomness of Random pt 26

My heart is full of sadness. My future is full of excitement. My children are full of promise. My life is full of God, friends, love and fun. And yet... My heart weeps so... I had such high hopes for this year of 2011. 11 is indeed my lucky #. :) it's my number of coincidence and correlation. It's supposed to be my year. My. Year. And it's now just.... I have no words to describe what I feel. And I have no idea... I just Have no ideas. All I do know, I will make it. God doesn't bring u to anything He won't get u thru.

Here's a pic from our apts from Sunday night. A night of beautiful snow. :)