Saturday, April 10, 2010

The randomness of random pt 9

Why do dogs like people? Ever wonder where the innate sense of loyalty they have comes from? I just don't understand sometimes why they love ppl so much when we are so neglectful and mean sometimes. I mean, even I don't like myself sometimes, I often wonder why other ppl do too, much less a dog. But what did we do to them to make em love us so much?

Of course this can so be related and toed into our real lives, but I just gotta wonder. What makes us adore something that doesn't deserve it? And even still... What makes God love such unworthy people as ourselves?

Me with my girl, Jill :)

- Posted using BlogPress from the Aubs iPhone

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your blog looks good! I've been working on mine too, but I'm not finished yet. Keep posting. I'm reading:)